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Module to return various types of words.


Returns an adjective of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function adjective(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.adjective() // 'pungent'
faker.word.adjective(5) // 'slimy'
faker.word.adjective(100) // 'complete'
faker.word.adjective({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'icy'
faker.word.adjective({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'distant'


Returns an adverb of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function adverb(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.adverb() // 'quarrelsomely'
faker.word.adverb(5) // 'madly'
faker.word.adverb(100) // 'sadly'
faker.word.adverb({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'too'
faker.word.adverb({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'sweetly'


Returns a conjunction of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function conjunction(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.conjunction() // 'in order that'
faker.word.conjunction(5) // 'since'
faker.word.conjunction(100) // 'as long as'
faker.word.conjunction({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'or'
faker.word.conjunction({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'hence'


Returns an interjection of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function interjection(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.interjection() // 'gah'
faker.word.interjection(5) // 'fooey'
faker.word.interjection(100) // 'yowza'
faker.word.interjection({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'hm'
faker.word.interjection({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'boohoo'


Returns a noun of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function noun(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.noun() // 'external'
faker.word.noun(5) // 'front'
faker.word.noun(100) // 'care'
faker.word.noun({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'ad'
faker.word.noun({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'average'


Returns a preposition of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function preposition(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.preposition() // 'without'
faker.word.preposition(5) // 'abaft'
faker.word.preposition(100) // 'an'
faker.word.preposition({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'a'
faker.word.preposition({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'given'


Returns a random sample of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v8.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function sample(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.sample() // 'incidentally'
faker.word.sample(5) // 'fruit'


Returns a verb of random or optionally specified length.

Available since v6.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The expected length of the word or the options to use.

options.length?number | { min: number; max: number; }

The expected length of the word.

options.strategy?'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length''any-length'

The strategy to apply when no words with a matching length are found.

Available error handling strategies:

  • fail: Throws an error if no words with the given length are found.
  • shortest: Returns any of the shortest words.
  • closest: Returns any of the words closest to the given length.
  • longest: Returns any of the longest words.
  • any-length: Returns a word with any length.

Returns: string

function verb(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
          strategy?: 'fail' | 'closest' | 'shortest' | 'longest' | 'any-length';
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.verb() // 'act'
faker.word.verb(5) // 'tinge'
faker.word.verb(100) // 'mess'
faker.word.verb({ strategy: 'shortest' }) // 'do'
faker.word.verb({ length: { min: 5, max: 7 }, strategy: "fail" }) // 'vault'


Returns a string containing a number of space separated random words.

Available since v8.0.0


optionsnumber | { ... }{}

The optional options object or the number of words to return.

options.count?number | { min: number; max: number; }{ min: 1, max: 3 }

The number of words to return.

Returns: string

function words(
      | number
      | {
            | number
            | {
                min: number;
                max: number;
        } = {}
  ): string;
faker.word.words() // 'almost'
faker.word.words(5) // 'before hourly patiently dribble equal'
faker.word.words({ count: 5 }) // 'whoever edible um kissingly faraway'
faker.word.words({ count: { min: 5, max: 10 } }) // 'vice buoyant through apropos poised total wary boohoo'

Released under the MIT License.